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Drunk Driving and Motorcycle Mayhem The Surprising Reasons for Hiring an Auto Accident Lawyer

Atv accident lawyer lafayette

Everyone has heard the catchy jingles advertising an auto accident lawyer. They are earworms of the strangest variety. You have probably even memorized some of these phone numbers without ever needing to or realizing that you’ve done it. And all of us know that car accidents are very serious business. But there are two instances in particular that most people don’t think about when it comes to car accident attorneys: drunk driving accidents and motorcycle crashes.

These are extremely serious and sometimes deadly auto accidents that can require a trial or civil case. If you’ve been injured in a drunk driving accident or motorcycle crash caused by a negligent driver, then you might find yourself suddenly calling the number from the jingle. While a prosecutor can hold drunk drivers accountable, you often have to take the initiative to get compensated for medical bills, lost wages, wrongful death, or other forms of suffering. Simply put, an auto accident lawyer can help get the justice you seek after a devastating accident.

Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer After a Drunk Driving Crash
Drunk driving is no joke. We have all seen the grizzly videos in high school of drunk driving crashes. We know they claim the lives of thousands of innocent people each year. We never think it will happen to us, but when you or a loved one is hit by a drunk driver, things get really complicated.

A drunk driving accident is very expensive. There are medical bills, a destroyed vehicle that needs replacing, and time off of work. Who is going to pay for all of that? That’s where an auto accident attorney comes in. While drunk drivers face criminal charges, it’s the civil suit that grants the victims money that they need to piece their lives back together. Through a civil lawsuit, the persons affected by the DUI can sue for monetary compensation. And you’re going to need a lawyer for that. Auto accident lawyers are a type of personal injury lawyer who represents the victims of auto accidents. They focus on the injury portion of your case and give it their full attention in order to produce the most favorable outcome.

Besides a Helmet, Auto Accident Lawyers Can Be a Motorcyclist’s Best Friend

Motorcycle crashes are extremely deadly. In a car, you have a metal frame and airbags surrounding you and protecting you. A motorcycle doesn’t offer the same protection. That’s why 15% of all traffic-related deaths are motorcycle accidents and why 33% of all motorcycle crashes end in death. Unfortunately, even the most experienced motorcyclists are vulnerable to reckless drivers texting on the road.

Because of the exceedingly high rate of death and serious injury in motorcycle accidents, it is always wise to get a lawyer to help with recouping expenses associated with such a devastating accident. Car accident lawyers also work with motorcycle crashes. Justice for these victims often comes only after a trial or lawsuit settlement.

If you’ve been injured in a crash, a lawyer can help you get the justice you need and the compensation you deserve. An auto accident lawyer is a person that will be on your side during this difficult time.

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