The Five Most Common Contributors To A Failed Marriage In America

Divorce is never easy. Just admitting a marriage isn’t working out can be a monumental effort. The actual process of filing divorce papers and going through the process of child custody? Some even turn away from the help they need because they’re afraid the negatives won’t outweigh the positives. When you’re caught in this mire of doubt and frustration, a divorce attorney can give you some much-needed advice. You can even seek out divorce for physicians or a custody lawyer to better suit your unique needs as you search for a new future to call your own.
What do we know about divorce in the United States? There are some rather interesting facts you may be unaware of. February is often viewed as the month of love in the West. It’s also, ironically, the month with the most amount of divorce filings. The divorce rate for a first marriage is also the lowest, adding up to just 40%, while the divorce rate for a second marriage is noticeably higher at 60%. The highest rate for a divorce is a third marriage, being almost 75% more likely to end prematurely. Divorce for physicians is a similar, yet separate practice that supports couples in specific industries reconsidering their marriage.
The face of marriage is also shifting. With the United States going through another economic and social upheaval, it’s only natural more traditional attitudes will see a similar change. The average age of a woman seeking a first divorce is under 30 years old. Western states still boast the highest marriage and divorce rates, with the opposite end of the country having the lowest on both. Every single year sees over one million people having parents who have recently separated.
Divorce is caused by a myriad of different factors, with some proving more influential (and seemingly unusual) than others. American statistics found out that one partner smoking increases the probability of a marriage failing by 75%. Optometrists, nuclear engineers and salespeople all have a higher likelihood for divorce than other professions. These specific causes have lead to the creation of specialized subsets, such as divorce for physicians. On the opposite end, marriages have been found to have a higher likelihood of lasting when people marry older or earn more money.
What about more commonly accepted reasons for divorce? The top five reasons marriage end in the United States are financial problems, domestic abuse, loss of interest, communication problems and infidelity. This last reason, in particular, has extensive consequences for the health of those involved. A University Of Florence study found infidelity outside the home associated with a much higher risk of a major cardiovascular event, including the development of heart disease or a heart attack.
The impact of divorce on children is also significant, causing many to outright avoid separating if it means the continued stability and health of the rest of the family. Children of divorced parents have been found to be twice as likely to drop out of high school. Even living together before marriage is no longer a strong predictor of divorce, thanks to a 2012 study provided by the Centers For Disease Control And Prevention. Whether or not this decision is right for you can be better determined with some advice by a divorce lawyer.
Write down some questions to ask a divorce lawyer and get closer to a better decision for you and your family.
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