5 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Workers Compensation Lawyer

When facing a work-related injury or illness, hiring a worker’s compensation lawyer can be crucial to securing the benefits you deserve. However, choosing the right attorney involves more than just picking a name from a directory. Here are five essential questions to ask before hiring a worker’s compensation lawyer:

1. What is Your Experience with Worker’s Compensation Claims?

The first question to ask is about the lawyer’s experience specifically with worker’s compensation claims. Worker’s compensation law is complex and specialized.

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You need someone who is well-versed in the nuances of this field. Ask about the number of years they have been handling such cases and the types of injuries or issues they’ve dealt with. It’s also helpful to inquire about their success rates in securing benefits for clients.

2. How Do You Handle Fees and Expenses?

Understanding how the lawyer charges for their services is crucial. Most worker’s compensation attorneys work on a contingency basis, meaning they only get paid if you receive compensation. Ask about the percentage they charge, whether they require any upfront fees, and how other expenses (like court costs or fees for obtaining medical records) are handled. Ensuring transparency in fee structure can prevent surprises down the road.

3. Can You Provide References from Past Clients?

References can provide insights into the lawyer’s professionalism, reliability, and success in handling cases similar to yours. A reputable lawyer should be able to offer references from past clients or direct you to testimonials. Hearing directly from former clients can give you a clearer picture of what to expect and how the attorney communicates and interacts with clients.

4. What Will Be My Involvement in the Case?

Different lawyers involve their clients in the case to varying degrees. Some may want you to be closely involved in every decision, while others might handle most aspects of the case themselves, only requiring your input on major decisions. Knowing what your role will be can help you prepare for the commitment required and understand how the process will unfold.

5. How Will You Communicate Updates About My Case?

Regular updates on the progress of your case are vital. Ask the lawyer about their communication style and frequency. Will they update you via email, phone calls, or face-to-face meetings? How often? Who in the office will be your point of contact? This information will help ensure that you’re kept in the loop and can provide necessary information promptly, facilitating a smoother legal process.

Watch the video above to learn more questions to ask a worker’s compensation lawyer!.

Ask About Their Experience

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