3 Dangers of Not Applying for a Patent

Throughout the world, many patents are successfully filed each year. That being said, the popularity of the internet has certainly caused technological patents to become increasingly popular. In fact, statistics from 2016 found that digital communication technology was the most popular type of international patent application. No matter what type of patent you’re thinking of filing, it’s important you follow through with this process. With that in mind, here are three dangers associated with not filing a patent.

  • Someone Steals Your Idea

    One of the most important reasons to secure a patent is to protect your idea from others. That being said, it’s important to know that a patent will not give you lifetime ownership of an invention. For instance, plant and utility patents typically expire within 20 years. However, design patents have an earlier expiration date of only 14 years.
  • Another Company Secures the Rights

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