Have You Been Convicted Of A DUI? Here’s What You Should Know About Appropriate Legal Help

You’ve been charged with a DUI. You have no idea what to do next.

Legal help should be your next order of business, even before you start filing paperwork. Drunk driving remains one of the most common issues brought to the attention of law firms today. Not only that, but your unique case might also require the attention of a motorcycle crash attorney or distracted driving attorney. The legal field is a complex one, with several national and statewide laws to take into account alongside your personal information. Going it alone is a surefire recipe for getting lost.

Here’s what a car accident lawyer can do to help you through this rough patch.

How Many Car Crashes Occur In The United States?

Let’s take a look at some statistics first. The United States sees around six million car accidents occurring every year, with an estimated three million people injured. Car crashes can occur for a number of reasons. Some are influenced by a change in t Continue reading

7 Essential Steps To Take Following A Car Accident

personal injuryThe moments following a car accident can feel like a blur, but they are some of the most critical minutes in your personal injury case. There are approximately six million car accidents in the U.S. every year, and it can be frightening when you are suddenly involved in one. Fortunately, by taking the right steps, you get closer to receiving compensation for damages and injuries. The following are the most important steps that you should take if you are involved in a car accident.

Step 1: Perform a safety check.

Get to safety as soon as possible and check on your passengers and the other driver. If anyone appears unconscious, keep them where they are and wait for emergency vehicles to arrive.

Step 2: Call 911.

Call for emergency help as soon as possible, no matter how much damage there was. Give the operator an accurate description of the accident and account for any injuries.

Step 3: Document the accident.

While you wait for the police to arrive, take photos of the accident scene. Be sure to capture the damage of all vehicles involved from several different angles. If you have any visible injuries, take photos of these if possible.

Step 4: Exchange contact information.

Exchange contact and insurance information with the other driver(s) involved. Also be sure to get the names and phone numbers of all witnesses.

Step 5: Contact your insurance company.

Call your insurance company and inform them of the accident. Be completely honest about the accident and send them a copy of the police report. This will be crucial in any auto accident or personal injury claims.

Step 6: Keep track of post-accident records.

Make copies of any car repair receipts and medical records that resulted from the accident. If you enter a personal injury case, these will be important evidence.

Step 7: Hire an attorney

An automobile accident attorney can guide you through the legal portion of your car accident. By hiring an experienced lawyer, you can ensure that you are taking all of the right steps in winning your case.

As you enter an auto accident case, remember to listen to your attorney’s advice carefully. By taking all the rights steps, you can increase your chances of getting the compensation you deserve. And following an accident, this can be crucial.