Four Reasons to Start a Legal Newsletter Within Your Firm

When developing a newsletter, legal terminology normally does not fit into the equation. However, newsletters for lawyers are gaining steam. There are many reasons for this, but four in particular stand out.
One: A legal newsletter could serve as a virtual meeting of sorts for your legal team, causing you to have to schedule less staff and company meetings by simply sending out a weekly or monthly law firm newsletter that captures all of the important moments of the past few days or weeks and that looks ahead to see what is on the horizon for the firm. Everything you need to say that could be said in a meeting can be done through the written word here, and each member of the firm could read it in his or her own due time. This would not cause any friction among members of your team, who are all busy with their own cases anyway.
Two: A legal newsletter could be the thing that gets your team to start acting like a real team. Staff meetings often get pretty boring and cause more negativity than positivity for some law firms. Solve any animosity between two members or two groups with an easily written legal newsletter. It may at first sound more impersonal than an actual meeting, but you will still get plenty of chances to hold those meetings as their needs arise and team members who do not necessarily like each other will not have to sit in the same room together and pretend everything is fine.
Three: A legal newsletter can be your way of patting your team members on the back. The newsletter can be strictly reserved as more of an overview of the major highlights the firm has experienced in a certain timeframe, including any accolades and awards any of your firm’s members have received for their legal work. You can send an email out to the firm with this information, but that has less pizzazz than a lawyer newsletter. Nearly every newsletter law firm practices employ do it this way, showcasing the good their team members are doing in an aesthetically pleasing way. Consider following their lead.
Four: A legal newsletter can be something your firm’s clients get to see too. Consider developing two types of newsletters should you opt to go this route. One can be for your team as more of the typical internal newsletter lawyer professionals read, while the other can serve educational purposes for the clients your firm represents.