When You Need a Disability Lawyer

Are you dealing with disability issues and are wondering when you might need to hire a lawyer? If you’re thinking about hiring a disability attorney to help with your Social Security case, you should first understand the costs and benefits of having a lawyer on your side. This video breakdown some information on when a disability lawyer is needed.

The most important reason to hire an attorney to help with your disability case is that your chances of being approved are significantly increased.

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While it’s certainly true that some people who apply on their own are approved for benefits, statistics show that, everything else being equal, Social Security is more likely to approve an applicant who’s represented by legal counsel than one who isn’t. So when should you hire one? The general rule is “the earlier, the better.” If you’re even considering filing for disability, you should call a disability attorney for a free consultation. Your attorney can help you evaluate the strength of your case and assist you with your initial application. If using an attorney to help with your initial application is a smart idea, hiring a lawyer after you’ve received an initial denial should be a no-brainer. In addition to improving your chances of success, a disability attorney can sometimes move your case more quickly through the system.

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