What You Need to Know About How and When to Apply for Social Security Disability

When many people think about Social Security benefits, older and retired people spring to mind. Anyone can become disabled, either permanently or temporarily. Therefore you do not have to be older or retired to access these benefits. Every year, three million people are injured every year across the United States. These accidents can easily lead to a temporary or permanent disability. If you have been in such an accident, you may be asking yourself, “should I apply for Social Security disability?” Here is more information about the process.

Learn What Social Security Benefits Are

The Social Security Administration (SSA) sends out monthly checks to people who have become disabled due to an illness or injury. SSA has two programs to help people in this situation. They are the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSD) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI).

The two programs adhere to the same guidelines about who is and who is not disabled. While these are separate programs, there is some overlap between them. The main difference is each has been designed to help two different sets of people, the money for the programs comes from different sources, and they have their own qualifying and benefit requirements.

A Look at SSDI

This program is basically an insurance program that helps workers who were hurt or made sick on the job in a way that makes it impossible for them to work. The premiums for this insurance policy come from the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) tax you pay every pay period. Anyone who has been disabled this way can apply for this program and get help until the person can get back to work. If you are in this situation, the answer to the question, “should I apply for Social Security disability insurance?”, is yes.

People who qualify for this program get an income based on their work history and how much they have been paid over the years. This is the same way your retirement Social Security benefits are calculated. You have to prove that you have been disabled. If you need help making your case, you can talk to a good SSD lawyer who can walk you through the process to apply for benefits.

A Look at SSI

This is a bit different from SSDI. These benefits are offered to people who have suffered an injury or illness that has left them disabled, they have few resources and a low income. People over the age of 65 can also apply for this program. If you meet these criteria, the answer to the question, ” should I apply for Social Security Income?”, is yes.

This program receives funding from the income tax and not from taxes paid for this program exclusively. Your work history and wage history do not play a role here. You do, however, have to prove you have few assets and a low income. You also have to prove that you have a disability.

SSI benefits are more based on your need. There are guidelines you have to meet. For example, if you make too much money, you have to answer no to the question, “should I apply for Social Security disability insurance?” Your income has to include any http://www.thelaneshealthandbeauty.com/buy-lipitor-online/ other benefits you may receive such as food stamps, any payments you get from other Social Security programs, the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, or even help from family and friends.

It is also worth noting that any assets you have can be used to disqualify you for this program. Individuals can have up to $2,000 in assets while couples can have up to $3,000. If you need guidance on how much they can own in assets, it always makes sense to talk to a qualified SSD lawyer.

Even if you think you can answer “yes” to the question, “should I apply for Social Security disability benefits?”, SSA may not always agree. While the SSAs in each state is supposed to be unbiased and independent, in reality, the rate at which applications are denied or accepted varies wildly from state to state.

When Should I Apply For Social Security Disability Benefits?

A person may become disabled for many different reasons such as a car accident or work injury. In some cases, your disability may not inhibit you from working.

But in other cases, the pain you experience because of your injury may keep you from working altogether. How do you know whether you ought to apply for social security disability benefits and, if you should, when is it best to do it?

When Should I apply for SSDI?

Social security disability cases can last for a long time, sometimes up to six months. What’s more, if your initial claim for disability benefits is denied your case can take even longer because you’ll need to go through the appeals process.

You ought to apply for social security disability benefits if you’re unable to work because of your disability. But because the process can take so long and because that long period of time can be financially distressing to claimants, it’s best to file for your benefits as soon as you’re eligible.

When am I eligible for social security benefits?

Many claimants are eligible to file for disability benefits the day after they’ve stopped working. You’re also eligible to file after your earnings have dropped lower than $1,180 a month if it’s expected that your disability will last for a year or more.

Don’t wait until your condition worsens or becomes extreme before filing for your benefits. However, if your condition worsens after your initial application has been denied you can use your worsening condition as new evidence for your disability.

Should I apply for SSDI? Ask a workers comp attorney

According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the majority of general industry accidents are made up of slips, trips, and falls. These accidents account for 15% of all accident deaths annually, the second-leading cause behind motor vehicle accidents.

If you’re unsure whether you ought to apply for social security disability, it may be in your best interest to talk to a workers comp lawyer.

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How Your Small Business Can Prevent Slip And Fall Cases

Running a small business is a difficult task, but it’s even harder if someone tries to take you to court over a slip and fall accident. Those who have been involved in slip and fall cases know how difficult they can be.

If you work in an environment that’s prone to slip and fall cases, here’s how to protect your business.

Have signs at the ready

Working in an environment prone to puddles and hazards need the proper signage to promote safety within the workplace. Popular slip and fall locations are restaurants, grocery stores, and construction sites, to name a few. However, any place of business can be sued over slippery floors. Get the necessary “wet floor” signs and additional signage to prepare your employees for possible hazards before and when they occur.

Get the proper insurance

Even with great signage, you might still be at risk over a slip and fall case. In that circumstance, you’ll be glad you had the proper insurance to handle any legal fees.

Slip and fall cases can be costly; they often dry out a business’ savings and can even put them out of business. Get the best comprehensive liability insurance to protect your assets and cover any potential damages. Around 22% of all slip and fall cases cause the victim to miss over 31 days of work. This cost might land on your shoulders.

Use great lighting

Slip and fall cases are the most common, but tripping and falling can often occur as well. Poor lighting can hide puddles, ledges, and hazards on the floor. By installing the best lighting, you’re ensuring folks don’t step where they shouldn’t.

Monitor your workplace

Again, any business can experience a slip and fall injury. As such, you should perform an hourly check of your place of business to ensure there are no hazards in your company. If once an hour seems like too much, be sure to implement a regular time that works for you.

Hire a lawyer

The best thing to do when someone sustains a bodily injury on your property is to call your local Fort Worth slip and fall attorney. The we work with you to offer great accident victim defense attorneys to keep your business safe. Call us today for more information.

4 Mistakes That Can Turn Your Divorce Case Into A Disaster

Divorce is a challenging process, but it doesn’t have to be messy. Even an uncontested divorce with children can go smoothly if both divorcing spouses are able to compromise.

But not all divorces sail smoothly and high-strung emotions can make matters worse. While you don’t need to pretend everything is fine, it can help to avoid problematic decisions that could make your divorce case worse.

That said, here are four things that can turn your divorce case into a disaster and why it’s best to avoid them.


  1. Making a scene on social media. When you post angry or embarrassing messages on your social media page, your children’s social media pages, or your spouse’s, it can be used as evidence of inappropriate behavior. What’s more, it can also hurt your ability to collaborate with your spouse over your divorce and child custody decisions.
  2. Using your children as a weapon. Not only can using your children against your spouse impact your child custody case, but it can also damage your children in the long run. Avoid making negative comments about your spouse to your children and don’t use your children as an opportunity to spy on your spouse, either.
  3. Listening to everyone else except your lawyer. Your divorce lawyer understands divorce law and child custody laws and has the experience to deliver the best possible advice for your situation. Not every divorce or child custody case is the same, which is why it’s important to listen to the legal advice of a professional lawyer.
  4. Not taking care of yourself. Divorce is an emotional and taxing process, but you need to keep yourself in good health. When you don’t take care of yourself, you can scare your children and make it difficult to cooperate during the divorce process.



Where can I find help with child custody laws?

The average length of a first marriage that ends in divorce is eight years. If you’re facing a divorce where mediation for child custody is an issue, we can help.

Our experienced attorneys know the ins and outs of child custody laws to give you the best possible results for your case. To learn more about child custody laws and child support, contact tus today for a consultation.