How Your Small Business Can Prevent Slip And Fall Cases

Running a small business is a difficult task, but it’s even harder if someone tries to take you to court over a slip and fall accident. Those who have been involved in slip and fall cases know how difficult they can be.

If you work in an environment that’s prone to slip and fall cases, here’s how to protect your business.

Have signs at the ready

Working in an environment prone to puddles and hazards need the proper signage to promote safety within the workplace. Popular slip and fall locations are restaurants, grocery stores, and construction sites, to name a few. However, any place of business can be sued over slippery floors. Get the necessary “wet floor” signs and additional signage to prepare your employees for possible hazards before and when they occur.

Get the proper insurance

Even with great signage, you might still be at risk over a slip and fall case. In that circumstance, you’ll be glad you had the proper insurance to handle any legal fees.

Slip and fall cases can be costly; they often dry out a business’ savings and can even put them out of business. Get the best comprehensive liability insurance to protect your assets and cover any potential damages. Around 22% of all slip and fall cases cause the victim to miss over 31 days of work. This cost might land on your shoulders.

Use great lighting

Slip and fall cases are the most common, but tripping and falling can often occur as well. Poor lighting can hide puddles, ledges, and hazards on the floor. By installing the best lighting, you’re ensuring folks don’t step where they shouldn’t.

Monitor your workplace

Again, any business can experience a slip and fall injury. As such, you should perform an hourly check of your place of business to ensure there are no hazards in your company. If once an hour seems like too much, be sure to implement a regular time that works for you.

Hire a lawyer

The best thing to do when someone sustains a bodily injury on your property is to call your local Fort Worth slip and fall attorney. The we work with you to offer great accident victim defense attorneys to keep your business safe. Call us today for more information.

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